12 best exercise to try as a beginner.

By ofoleta Chizoba Shadrach

Have you been wondering what exercises to do to avoid making the wrong mistakes as a beginner in sports ?
If you are I have a good news which is zobaEpic fitness blog has got you back and is here to help you with the best and easy exercises to try as a beginner.


Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure. … Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured, and repetitive and has as a final or an intermediate objective the improvement or maintenance of physical fitness.
They are many benefits and importance of doing exercise.

Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

It Can Make You Feel Happier. …

It Can Help With Weight Loss. …

It Is Good for Your Muscles and Bones. …

It Can Increase Your Energy Levels. …

It Can Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Disease. …

It Can Help Skin Health. …

It Can Help Your Brain Health and Memory balance and helps fight against traumatic experience.

It Can Help With Relaxation and Sleep

Types of exercises and how to do them

Everyone knows that routine exercise is very important for healthy adults for varied functions, including bone and muscle strength, weight-loss or weight maintenance, heart health and even cognitive health. But there are four different types of exercise: Aerobic (or endurance), strength, flexibility and balance


The press-up or the push-up exercise is a very popular exercise used in upper extremity training. It is a closed kinetic chain exercise that requires no tools and uses the body weight for resistance. It has many variations, so it can be adjusted according to the fitness level

     How to do it:

 Get down into a press-up position with your hands placed shoulder-width apart and back flat, so a straight line forms from your head to heels, via your glutes. Lower your body until your chest is an inch from the ground then explosively drive up by fully extending your arms. That’s on rep.

    Importance :

 This move uses multiple muscle groups for maximum growth and strengthens your shoulder joints. Easily done as an exercise at home, this prepares you for progression to the more demanding shoulder exercises you’ll face in a gym, like the incline bench press.

Dumbbell standing shoulder press

Dumbbell standing shoulder press is a
Stand up and hold two dumbbells just above your shoulders, palms facing each other, knees arched. Push the dumbbells straight up until your arms are close to locking and lower them back down slowly after a short pause. Breathe out when pushing up and breathe in when lowering back.

How to do it:

 Stand holding two dumbbells at shoulder height with an overhand grip – palms facing forwards. Ensure your elbows are in front of the bar and don’t flare out to the sides. Press the weights up above your head until your arms are fully extended. Return slowly to the start position.

 Importance :

 This is a safer shoulder-sculptor than lifting from behind your neck. As a beginner the aim should be to keep strain off your joints and protect against an injury called shoulder impingement syndrome. Missed sessions this early in your lifting career are especially costly.


A skipping rope or jump rope is a tool used in the sport of skipping/jump rope where one or more participants jump over a rope swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads.
For the first ten days, aim to skip continuously for one minute, then increase the time as you start to see your fitness improve. Move onto skipping with one foot and make it more challenging by going faster or lifting your feet higher. Increase the time that you skip by two minutes every week.

How to do it:

Grab the rope at both ends. Use your wrists to flick it round your body, jumping to clear the rope as it hits the ground. Make the move more intense with double unders – letting the rope pass round your twice for every jump


 The ultimate no-nonsense workout, jumping rope could be the most efficient form of cardio. A studythat found just 10 minutes a day with the rope was similar to 30 minutes of jogging

Dumbbell squat

The dumbbell squat is a classic lower-body exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. While this variation is usually performed with relatively light weights for high reps, it can also be used as a substitute for squats or the trap-bar deadlift in any workout.

How to do it:

 Holding a dumbbell in each hand, position your legs shoulder width apart. Keeping your head up and back straight, sit back into the squat until the dumbbells are an inch from the floor. Focus on keeping your knees over your toes and chest out – don’t arch your back or lean forward as you drop down. Exhale, straighten your legs and return to the starting position.


 Squats are an excellent all-round exercise and one of the best moves for building overall strength. Dumbbells let you concentrate on technique and work on your range of movement at low weight. Only advance to barbell squatsin the gym once you’ve got this nailed.


Strengthens the legs, back, and grip

Forces the core to stabilize while lower body moves

Doesn’t heavily load the top of the spine like back squats do.

Farmer’s walk

Exercises involving these “holds” include the popular farmer’s walk exercise, which involves simply walking in a straight line while holding heavy weights in your hands. … So do as farmers do (but with kettlebells or dumbbells) and walk it out—and you’ll reap a load of benefits.

How to do it:

 Grab a heavy dumbbellin each hand – think half your bodyweight – and hold them at your sides. Stand up tall with your shoulders back and walk forward as quickly as you can using short steps.


 Super simple with no need to worry about technique, this move hits your shoulder stabilisers, upper traps and front deltoids. It also supercharges your grip strength, which will transfer strength to your other lifts too.

Lateral raise

The lateral raise is one of the best exercises for those looking to build shoulders like boulders. It’s also a very simple movement: essentially you just raise weights to the sides and up to shoulder level, then lower them again – though naturally we have some far more detailed advice about perfect form to follow.

How to do it:

 Stand holding a light dumbbell in each hand. Slowly lift the dumbbells out to the side until they reach shoulder height – no higher – and resist the urge to cheat by swinging the weight. Pause, then lower back to your sides, slowly – you’ll build more muscle fighting gravity than letting it do the work for you.


If you’re doing exercise at home, this is the best move for visible shoulder development. The lateral raise isolates your medial deltoid, the middle of three shoulder muscles, helping to develop your shoulder width and mass. Perfect for creating the V-shape that you covet.


The burpee, a squat thrust with an additional stand between reps, is a full body exercise used in strength training and as an aerobic exercise. The basic movement is performed in four steps and known as a “four-count burpee

How to do it: 

From a standing position squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and place your palms on the floor. From there kick your feet back as far as you can while keeping your arms extended. As soon as your feet land jump them back in towards your hands, then jump up into the air. Land and immediately squat down to go into the next rep.


When it comes to burning fat at home, few moves can do better then the burpee. Perfect for frying fat with zero equipment, work these into your home workout routine to ramp up your heart rate or set yourself daily challenges.

Plyometric, Jumping Lunges

Pylometric jumping lunges: The jump lunge is an advanced variation of a basic walking lunge exercise, bumping up the intensity by adding a jump. The plyometric transition consists of jumping high in the air and switching your forward foot before landing.

How to do it: 

Lunge forward until your rear knee is almost touching the ground. Jump into the air, bringing your rear foot forward and the front foot back. Land in a lunge and repeat. Land on both feet simultaneously to cushion the impact on your joints.

Importance :

 Just like burpees, these are perfect for building up your cardiovascular system, but will also help you build faster, more powerful quadriceps. Ideal if your leg day has taken a hit.

Dumbbell calf raise
Dumbbell Calf Raises Exercise. Dumbbell calf raise is a great exercise for strengthening your calves.

How to do it: 

Stand holding a dumbbell in each hand with the balls of your feet on a step with your heels touching the floor. Raise your heels off the floor and hold at the top of the contraction. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position and repeat.

Importance :

 Too many beginners are prone to skipping calves when it comes to leg day. Some guys are even getting surgery to fix it. Work this move into your workout to guarantee you’re hitting as many leg muscles as you would in the gym when it comes to exercise at home.

Spiderman Press-Up

Spiderman Abs is a core body exercise that strengthens all abdominal muscles with a special focus on your obliques. … The truth is that Spiderman Abs is one great variation of a Plank. In essence you hold your body in plank position the entire time. The difference comes in the movement of the knees to the elbows.

How To Do Spiderman

How to do it: 

Get into a traditional press-up position. Lower yourself toward the floor and bring your right knee to your right elbow, keeping it off the ground. Press back up and return your leg to the starting position. Repeat with the alternate leg.


Perfect if you’re looking to get some mobility in before a workout or just want to switch up your chest routine, Spiderman press-ups are the perfect alternative if you’re looking to scale things up.

Bicep curl

Biceps curl is a general term for a series of strength exercises that involve brachioradialis, front deltoid and the main target on biceps brachii . Includes variations using barbell ,
dumbbell and resistance band , etc. The common point amongst them is the trainee lifting a certain amount of weight to contracting the biceps brachii, and tuck in their arms to the torso during the concentric phase . Once the biceps brachii is fully contracted, then return the weight to starting position during the eccentric phase .

How to do it:

 Stand with a dumbbellin each hand and, keeping your upper arms stationary, curl the weights until the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Focus on keeping your elbows still – only your lower arm should move. Squeeze your bicep at the top of the contraction then lower slowly and repeat.

Importance :

it is the perfect move for developing those mirror muscles you crave. By keeping your upper arm stationary you hit the whole bicep for maximum growth

Dumbbell step-up

The dumbbell step-up is a great exercise for building lower-body strength and power. It targets all the same muscles as bodyweight step-ups, such as the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, but allows for greater muscular overload.


Builds lower-body strength and power

Less of a balance challenge than barbell step-ups

Reveals any strength imbalances between the legs

How to do it: 

Stand in front of bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Place your right foot onto the bench, push up through your heel to lift your whole body up. Step down with your left foot and repeat on the opposite side.

Importance :

By activating all of your upper leg muscles (glutes, quads and hamstrings) it’s an entire leg day in one move. Plus, it’s low-impact, which is means you avoid the knee injuriesassociated with more explosive exercises.


Plank is one of the best calorie burning and beneficial exercises. A plank hold engages multiple muscles at once, thereby benefiting the core strength of your body. Not just burning the fat around your abdomen area, they also work by giving you an improved posture, flexibility as well as a tighter tummy.

How to do it:

 Get in a press-up position, but rest on your forearms rather than your hands. Make sure your back is straight and tense your abs and glutes. Hold without allowing your hips to sag.

Importance :

Since planks work your core, that means they work basically the whole body, from your pelvic girdle to your shoulder girdle as well as your legs. The plank strengthens your spine, your rhomboids and trapezius, and your abdominal muscles, which naturally result in a strong posture as they grow in strength.

As a beginner in sports this are the best and most easy 12 exercises recommended for you by Zobaepic fitness blog.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it. If you do tell how you feel on the comments box.

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