Effectiveness of exercise to your health as a working class person

By ofoleta Chizoba Shadrach @Zobaepics

Just as the flood you eat and the drink is important to your body so does the exercise you do is important to your health. Exercise is the act of doing physical activities that can help improve the effectiveness of the body tissues and muscles, there by helping them function effectively with the main purpose of achieving optimal health.

There are many important benefits Of Evey morning exercise

  1. It helps to maintain optimal health.

As you wake up in the morning, it is scientifically proven that most of the tissues are still asleep, and for you to effectively awaken them you need exercise. Most likely to when you slept late sometimes you will wake sluggishly due to some of the tissues which are asleep. Exercise helps to awaken this tissues to ensure optimal health.

  1. Helps to burn fat.

Due to the kind of work, some people do daily, the don’t have enough time to walk around, because of the inability to have a good walk during the day helps the body to accumulate more fat and for you to get rid of them. You need
A. Skipping.
B. Jugging.
C. Running or walking depending on how you want to
D. Ride of bicycle.
E. Press up.

These are the best and most effective simple exercises that helps you to burn fat faster on a daily basis.

  1. It helps your cardiovascular system function more effectively.
  2. It helps the spinal cord to be free from some internal injuries such as pain in the spin due to the way you slept during the night.
  3. It helps to flatten the belly

Duo you know that lack of exercise contribute to 85% of the reasons why you have a swollen belly? Yes some of us has a fast growing tissues which helps to grow the belly faster with the help of the fat generated by the body and the kind of food we eat.

Morning exercise helps you to manage that enzymes that aids to the growth of those tissues and limit it growth rate.

  1. It helps your to look younger.

Doing exercise daily helps you look younger because it helps to facilitate the body and helps it from being rigid

  1. Exercise helps to boast the immune systems and helps them functional.
  2. Exercise helps to prevent meningitis
  3. Helps to prevent weight gain.
  4. Helps to prevent old age sickness such as sight loss.
  5. It helps to maintain sugar levels in the body. During exercise, the body tends to carry out regulatory activities towards the sugar supply in the body.
  6. Exercise helps to prevent high blood pressure.
  7. It helps to maintain strong bone and teeth
  8. It helps the delicate organs such as the heart of the body to function well.
  9. It helps to prevent dislocation of the bones.
  10. Helps to improve good sight.

Types of exercise good for a working class person.

Some exercises is very good while some are not but they are all exercises. That is why we the Zobaepic fitness and health consultants have done a very clear research on the kinds and types of exercise good for you as a working class.

  1. Skipping

Skipping it the process of jumping rope. It helps to burn fat faster.

  1. Jugging.

This is the type of exercise you do in form of running but you don’t run faster like the normal running it’ helps to improve the effectiveness of the cardiovascular system.

  1. Press up

This is a very good and amazing type of exercise which helps to clear the lungs and helps the heart work efficiently.

You do it with your two hands down your legs stretched out and you push up and lower your body.

  1. Sit up.

This helps to burn belly fat. It is very good to the health and as some one who hardly have time to stroll during the day time, sit up is highly recommend for optimal health assurance.

5.Leg up.

It is done just like the sit up but this one, you will have to raise your legs instead of your upper body. It helps to maintain and improve your body structure. And helps fight against obesity.

This are the five most easy exercises you will need as a working class person.

Types of food that can help you stay healthy.

There are diet good for your health while some are not good due to the contents. Bellow are some good food you need to help you maintain optimal health

  1. Foods rich in starch.

This kinds of foods helps to provide energy for the body to function well in our everyday activities.
This includes.

  1. Foods rich In proteins .
    This helps to provide strong tissues that helps to maintain optimal health.

This includes.

  1. Foods rich in vitamin.

Foods rich in vitamins and minerals helps to maintain good skin. It makes your skin look youthful.

This includes
Fruits and vegetables.
Some fruit that you need are
.mango if available.
.paw paw

Then water.

Being hydrated is very important as it helps to improve proper functioning of the body tissues.and helps to burn fat. It also improves digestion and helps to fight diseases.

Why you need exercise.

Do you know that obesity is by choice and not by chance?

Do you know that to lose weight is by choice and not by chance?

Do you know to be healthy and happy is by choice and not by chance?

and also do you know that to obtain optimal health is by choice and not by chance?

The answer you give to your self is the best for you.

Thanks for reading please don’t forget get to leave a message for us telling g us how you feel about our articles.

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